Mike Mulry
305 West North Loop
Austin, Texas 78751

Design & Interactive Awards

2002 Texas Interactive Media
2001 Telly Awards
2001 Texas Interactive Media
2000 International Cinema In Industry
2000 Telly Awards
1999 Texas Interactive Media
1998 Omni Awards
1998 New York Festivals (2 Awards)
1998 New Media Invision (3 Awards)
1997 International Cinema In Industry
1996 New York Festivals

Films Awards
2001 Independent Film Channel
2001 Texas Filmmaker's Showcase
2001 USA Film Festival
2001 San Francisco Docfest
2001 SXSW Film Festival
2001 Atomfilms Sundance
2001 Slamdunk Film Festival
2001 Golden Shower Festival
2000 Deep Ellum Film Festival
2000 Texas Filmmaker's Showcase
2000 Anteye.Com Top 20
1999 Beaufort Film Festival
1999 Independent Film Channel
Bachelor of Fine Arts 1993
Communication Design
Southwest Texas State University
XCELARTS, co-founder

Co-created a high-end design team concentrating on traditional
design, advertising and branding
Design, development, branding and project management of www.winkrestaurant.com
Designed Interface for Austin Past & Present DVD-Rom

05min Productions, co-founder

Responsible for cinematography, art direction, editing, special effects,
marketing and branding for 05min Productions and its films
Created 3 award-winning films
Produced introductory film clip for Austin Film Society at the
Director's Guild of America 1999
The Independent Film Channel has aired 3 of the 4 films we produced
Designed web sites for new www.05min.com
and old www.05min.com

, art director, lead designer

Conceptual visualization, storyboards and information design
Designed and produced print, animations, CD-ROMs, videos, web sites, logos, ads and information graphics
Established effective pricing and timelines and set critical checkpoints
Conducted design expeditions which produced significant revenues with both existing and new clients
Instrumental in expanding FG Squared client offerings to include
advertising and print
Co-managed FG Squared's move into production of live-motion video
Provided extensive direction and support for designers
Trained several designers  

Excite.com, art director, interface designer

Conceptualized, produced and directed all interface designs for
Excite's PAL & Chat communication software
Coordinated with the development team in Tel-Aviv for PAL & Chat
Designed the Chat Channel pages (including all chat rooms) as well
as the Mail Channel for Excite and WebCrawler.
Created logos, banner ads, and avatars for Excite and WebCrawler

Cortex, lead designer

Led a team of designers in developing CD-ROMs
Designed and built 3 award-winning educational CD-ROMs
Created interfaces, 2D illustration, 3D illustration, and animations
Trained the design team

Overflow Graphics, president

Conceptualized, designed and illustrated all advertising, branding, print and interactive media for clients which included IBM, Design 2, Adams Design, Jawai Interactive, Ozz Labs, Amicus, Power Computing Corporation, Texican Café, and SEDL


Adjunct professor for course on conceptual design for interactive media at Southwest Texas State University (SWTU)

Public Speaking

1999 SXSW multimedia panelist on designing for the web
1999 SWTU visiting lecturer on sensationalism and filmmaking
1998 SWTU visiting lecturer on art history and new media